Fifties Dresses - Alberto - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/2/2019 Fifties Dresses - Alberto


    Fifties Dresses

  • 8/2/2019 Fifties Dresses - Alberto


    Womendressed"smartly' in theFifties. Goodgrooming and

    a tailored lookwere prized.

    Acting andlooking "everyinch the lady"was taughtvirtuallyfromthe cradle andwearing adress was agiven.

    Notice our firstladies haveheels andgloves. Thiswas requiredtocompletethe look.

    The dress atleft, a

    summeryafternoonfloral, haswhat wascalled a swingskirt. Thisverypopular stylehad manyforms,including thepoodle skirt.

    At right, theskirt part ofthe dress is inthe pencilstyle.Theobject here isto attain an

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    hourglass, orfigure eight,body shape.This type ofdress orskirt

    was not wornby young girlsor teens. Tooprovacative.Inthisillustration, thedress alsoboasts bolerosleeves, whichwerepopular.

    Although notseen,a girdle was anecessarypart ofallensembles.

    At left, two ladies perhaps off to shop or to

    lunch. One wears the pencil style and theother a swing.

    The blue suit dress on the right features a

    short cropped jacket, accentuating thehourglass shape.
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    Again, on the left a luncheon dress in the

    pencil style and an everyday dress with the

    swing skirt.

    At right, an afternoon tea dress with

    characteristically FIfties soft femininetouches.

    Again, dresses very typical of the day.

    At left, with or without a short jacket, a

    breezy look.

    Note the wide collars at right which soften

    the neckline. "Peter Pan" or broad collarswere a fixture of the50s.

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    Contrary to whatever impression you may

    have gathered from watching Donna Reed or

    Harriett Nelson, real wives and mothers didnot go around doinghousework in dresses

    accessorized by pearls and heels.

    Mother might, however, wear a wrap dress aspictured at left. Orthe simple everyday dress

    at right.The key here is the word "dress". It

    was the most common item worn by womenat the time.

    Art and fashion often evolve to display a commonality ofattitude of a culture, place or era. I think this was

    certainly true of 1950s America, which gave rise to rock-n-roll.Much of the music of this time had a fun and

    carefree air, as exampled by Bobby Darins Splish Splash or BillHaleys Rock Around the Clock. Fashion

    styles also evolved to incorporate these themes. Today, I wouldlike to show you two outfits that represent the

    fun, feminine fashion that was popular at the time. The poodleskirt, often being used for dancing or just

    hanging out at the local diner, and a flouncy knee length dress,perfect for a movie date at the theater or drive-

    in. Both are fromIvalde, a wonderful store for vintage shoppers.Neferia Abel has selections from the Baroqueera to current daystyles, much of it sorted into decades for easy shopping.

    The pink poodle skirt ensemble, pictured left, comes with twoskirt and two blouse options, each with or

    without the poodle, and a prim scarf. The belt is on the jacketlayer so its optional or can be replaced by

    another of your choosing. This outfit is also available with ared, black or yellow skirt. Added to the pictured

    ensemble are saddle shoes from The 50s Storeand HaalsaHallardlace frill socks with pink ribbon. The

    jewelry is pink lulu4 bangle braceletsfromArtilleriandKraftikaearrings no. 106 also in pink.
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    On the right is the Selena dress in magenta. The flexi-primskirt, which moves beautifully, and the prim

    shoulder straps add to the three-dimensional look. This dress isan excellent example of the nice textures found

    in Neferias designs and also comes in aqua, white and black.Added to the outfit are Tesla Leather Vixen

    pumps in liquorice andMMCherry Charm necklace and earrings. Thehair in both pictures isArtilleriDayna


    If you enjoy vintage clothing as much as I do, I urge you tocheck outIvalde. The hardest thing about shopping

    at them is choosing from amongst the wide range of selectionsand colors.

    The 1950s' fashion was one that had certain distinctcharacteristics about it. There were alsocertain factors that wereassociated with these 1950s' clothing. This was one period thatwas

    considered to be really expensive due to the effects of war.This period saw the dominance of pinkpumps and beehive hairstyles.Brands were launched and designers created new fashion trends.Readon to know more about the 1950 clothing.

    1950s' Clothing: Fifties FashionThe 1950s' clothing saw thedominance of designer names such as Christian Dior. Dior'sgarmentsgave a more feminine appeal for women in terms of fashion.The voluminous look also added tothe femininity of a woman. ThePrincess Line launched in the year 1953 soon became popular andDioralso popularized the trend of wearing A-line skirts.
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    Most scenes from the fifties fashion depict men in clothes whichwere always structured in darkcolors. This was the time whenmaterials such as cotton and wool were used. Tweed

    jackets were seen as well. Hollywood actors such as Gregory Peckwore gray flannel suits whichbecame quite a rage. Flannel pantsworn with comfy rolled up shirts was considered to be the 'inthing'in the fifties.

    **Click on the images to enlarge

    Women switched to trendy coats instead of the traditionalshawls. One also saw the large use offeathersas a part of the1950s' fashion. Long knee length coats, which had loosesleeves,

    caught on really well in the 1950s'. Among the differentfabrics, silk was widely used and furs alsooccupied an importantplace in the wardrobes of most women. Furs were considered to be astatussymbol and purchasing garments of fur was definitely anexpensive affair. The 1950s' clothing alsosaw women go all out toown very expensive fur coats. Since real fur was not affordablebyall, imitation fur also became popular amongst those whopreferred to wear fake fur coats forless. Leopard printswere also arage and made an important part of fashion in the fifties.

    **Click on the images to enlarge

    Yet another factor of the 1950s' fashion were the popularity ofpetticoats. Women wearing stiffand starched petticoats was quite acommon sight. Colorful skirts were worn as casual-weargarments.Apart from skirts, the 1950s' clothing also saw the acceptanceofpants and jeans inladies fashion.

    Elegance was an important factor in the fashion of the fifties.Hollywood also had a major role toplay in influencing the 1950s'clothing. These patterns and designs were splashed acrossglamormagazines such as Vogue and Women's Weekly. Flowers, stripes,spots and abstractshapes all became a part of fifties fashion.Waists became narrow (as is evident from most

    movies of that period) and garments were fitted at the waistarea. Flared skirts and daintyflared dresses were seen as adistinguishing mark of this era. Hollywood actors such asMarilynMonroe and Grace Kelly became the style icons for thisperiod.
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    **Click on the images to enlarge

    Rock N Roll dictated a lot of terms in the 1950s' clothingscene. Teenagers became slightly

    rebellious and approached their dressing in rather differentways, becoming more and moreexperimental.

    Fifties fashion cannot be complete without the mention of theswimwear worn in this period.Fashion in the fifties may seem odd toreaders now, but this was a period when revealingswimsuits had justmade an appearance on the scene. Stretch fabrics andstraplessswimwearbecame very popular. Straps were detachable andthe overall design was very modest

    in the fifties fashion. Two-piece bikinis were considered to bewearable only by Hollywood stars.Women would also make it a pointto wear bathing caps so that their hair would be protectedwhileswimming.

    **Click on the images to enlarge

    Men were seen wearing polo shirts teamed with sports jackets,cardigan sweaters, wool

    suits, and shirtswith patterns such as stripes, tuxedos, snazzytropical shirts and cool

    blue denims. These were often paired with loafer shoes.

    The 1950s' fashion also saw brand names come up with challengingdesigns. Dior now faced a

    challenge when Chanel launched a new design. The Chanel suit wasall about a collarless jacket

    teamed with a skirt that went slightly below the knees. Womenloved this elegant and

    sophisticated look. The Chanel suit therefore created quite arage.

    Thus we see the vivid kinds of styles that were a rage in the1950s' fashion. This was a period that

    saw a gradual change in the fashion scenario.

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    American Cultural History

    1950 1959

    1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990


    The end of World War II brought thousandsof young servicemenback to America topick up their lives and start new families innewhomes with new jobs. With an energynever before experienced,Americanindustry expanded to meet peacetimeneeds. Americans beganbuying goods not

    available during the war, which createdcorporate expansion andjobs. Growtheverywhere. The baby boom wasunderway...

    The purpose of this web and library guide is to help the usergain a broad understanding andappreciation for the culture andhistory of the fabulous fifties (1950s). In a very small way, thisis abibliographic essay. While there is no way we can link toeverything, we have attempted to find areasof special interest andto select information that we hold dear today - movies we watch,songs wesing, events that move us, people we admire.

    To see the whole picture, we encourage users to browse all theway through this page and then visitthe suggested links for moreinformation on the decade. We feel the best way to immerse oneselfin

    a topic is to use both Internet and the library. The real depthof information is best read in books.More photographs, moreinformation, more depth. Then, there is information that will befound onlyon the Internet; a journal from someone, photographs likethose on our pages. We invite youto write. Thanks for the visit.ENJOY


    Facts about this decade---Population: 151,684,000 (U.S. Dept.ofCommerce, Bureau of the Census)*Unemployed: 3,288,000Lifeexpectancy: Women 71.1, men 65.6Car Sales: 6,665,800

    Average Salary: $2,992Labor Force male/female: 5/2Cost of a loafof bread: $0.14Bomb shelter plans, like the government

    pamphlet You Can Survive, become widelyavailable[emailprotected]://[emailprotected]
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    Important Historic and Cultural Events

    1950 - Pres.Harry Truman ( 'til 1952) approves production of thehydrogen bomb and sends air

    force and navy to Korea in June.

    1951 - Transcontinental television begins with a speech by Pres.Truman.

    1953 - 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower is president.

    1952 - TheImmigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 removesracial and ethnic barriers tobecoming a U.S. citizen.

    1953 - Julius and Ethel Rosenbergare electrocuted for their partin W.W.II espionage.

    1953 - Fighting ends in Korea.

    1954 - U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthybegins televised hearingsinto alleged Communists in

    the army.

    1954 - Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutionalin publicschools by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    1955 - Rosa Parksrefuses to give up her seat on a public bus inMontgomery, Alabama.1955 - TheAmerican Federation of Labor and theCongress of Industrial Organizations merge

    making the new AFL-CIO an organization with 15 millionmembers.

    also in 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio

    1956 - The Federal Highway Act is signed, marking the beginningof work on the interstatehighway system.

    1958 - Explorer I, the first U.S. satellite, successfully orbitsthe earth.

    1958 - The first domestic jet-airline passenger service is begunby National Airlinesbetween

    New York City and Miami.

    1959 -Alaskaand Hawaii become the forty-ninth and fiftiethstates.


    Historical Atlas of the 20th Century | Collection of maps andstatsof the 20th century

    American History 1860-present | Chronological arrangementofhistory of this century | Biographies of over 15,000 famous persons.Genealogy Guide | Helpful guide for locating past people,places

    and events. Dwight D. Eisenhower| "Character above all" byStephen Ambrose, a

    PBS website. The Cold War Museum | From the 1940's until the1990's, the cold war dominated foreign


    BOOKSLibrary of Congress areas :
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    es of American History Include history and politics, the arts,science and technology, and other info of interest.

    erica in the 20th Century 1950-1959 is covered in volume 6.Typical of Marshall Cavendish, this encyclopedic set isaccessib

    r this decade. Covers subjects from art to transportation.

    als of America Volume 17 of this set contains essays and exceptsfrom important writers and on important topics of the time.

    ry of American History From very brief to multi-page signedentries on topics in American History.

    of American History Vols. V and VI - are a great books to givethe reader the real flavor of the 1950's because of the manypho

    ary of American Portraits Photographs or drawings of importantAmericans. Brief descriptions of their contribution. Arranged


    "Painting is a state...self-discovery. Every good artist paintswhat he is." Jackson Pollock

    There was a fresh artistic outlook after World War II ended andthe artistic world reflected this

    outlook.Abstract expressionismlike Jackson Pollock , BarnettNewman,Willem de

    Kooning , Clyfford Stilland Franz Klinereceived officialrecognition at the New YorkMuseum of

    Modern Art. These artists, referred to as the New York School,were generally experimental. Other

    abstract artists rebelled against the self-absorption of the NewYork School and delved

    intoexistentialism. Mark Rothko used large scale color blocks tocreate an overpowering material

    presence. Painters like Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns,also abstract artists, did not wantthe viewer to rely on what hesaw to interpret a painting. African American artists John T.

    Biggers, Romare Bearden and Henry Clay Anderson presented adifferent view of American life.

    Part of the 1950's boom in consumerismincluded housing.Peoplecould afford single family dwellings and suburbia wasborn. A smallsuburban community called Levittownwas built byWilliam Levitt forreturning servicemen and their families. Aninfluence ofFrank LloydWright is seen in the popularRanchstyle house. Designers likeBauhaus , who helped createtheInternational style, influencedLudwig Mies van der

    Rohe, Philip Johnson,Charles and Ray Eames and EeroSaarinen.Louis Kahn, architect of the Salk Institute, was anoted architectduring this period.

    LINKSRothko Chapel in Houston||Abstract Expressionism||Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History-AbstractExpressionism

    African Americans in the Visual arts || Great BuildingsCollection
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    Library of Congress browsing areas are: N-NX This area includesall forms of art, art history and


    N 6490 .L792 Visual Arts in the Twentieth Century History of artin the 20th Century including all art forms an

    ND 237 .R725 B74 Mark Rothko A biography with illustrations ofhis work.

    ND 237 .P73 S65 Jackson PollockA biography with illustrations ofhis work.

    NA 737 .K32 B73 Kimbell Art Museum Architecture in detail;examines buildings with photos, drawings, discus


    America had just begun her recovery from World War II, whensuddenly the Korean Conflictdeveloped. The USSR became a majorenemy in the Cold War. Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed

    to know that Communists had infiltrated the United Statesgovernment at the highest levels.

    Americans were feeling a sense of national anxiety. Was Americathe greatest country in the world?

    Was life in America the best it had ever been? As the decadepassed, literature reflected the conflict

    of self-satisfaction with '50s Happy Days and culturalself-doubt about conformity and the true worth

    of American values.

    Authors likeNorman Vincent Peale , The Power of Positive

    Thinking, orBishop Fulton J. Sheen -Life is WorthLiving,indicate power ofthe individual to control his or her fate.The concern with conformity is reflected

    in David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd, John Kenneth Galbraith

    -The Affluent

    Society, William H. Whyte's The Organization Man,Ayn Rand-Atlas

    Shrugged, and Sloan Wilson'sThe Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.Anewgroup of authors appeared on the scene in the form of the Beats,or the beatgeneration or some called them beatniks. Best known ofthese are JackKerouac - Kerouac's works- On the Road, Dharma Bums,The Town and The

    City, Mexico City Blues (poetry),Lawrence FerlinghettiA ConeyIsland of the Mind , Pictures of aGone World, and Allen GinsbergHowl(Poetry).Gregory Corso , Neal Cassady ,Michael

    McClure, Gary Snyder, William S. Burroughs were other beatauthors giving voice to theanti-establishment movement.

    Science Fictionbecame more popular with the actual

    possibility of space travel, Ray Bradbury wrote TheMartianChronicles. Isaac Asimovwrote I, Robot, andother books about worldsto be discovered. Establishedauthors continuing to writeincludedTennessee

    Williams-The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone; RobertPenn Warren-World Enough and Time; Carl Sandberg -Complete Poems; Herman Wouk-The Caine Mutiny; J.D. Salinger-The Catcher in the Rye; TrumanCapote-The Grass Harp; John Steinbeck- East of Eden; Edna,9171,893998,00.html,9171,893998,00.html,9171,893998,00.html,9171,893998,00.html
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    Ferber-Giant; James Michener-The Bridges of Toko Ri, Hawaii;Thomas Costain-The SilverChalice; Eudora Welty -The Ponder Heart;William Faulkner-The Town; Lorraine Hansbury - ARaisin in theSun;Langston Hughes- Laughing to Keep from Crying;James Baldwin- GoTell It onthe Mountain.


    1950s Bestseller Literature and Culture of the 1950s LifeMagazine presents Disney Land in the 1950s African AmericanLiterature Book Club

    Library of Congress browsing areas include: PS - AmericanLiterature; Z - books and



    id Riesmannegut

    ght Mills

    The Bridges at Toko Riby James Michener

    The Conservative Mindby Russell KirkThe Crucial Decade: America1945-1955by Eric F. GoldmanMrs. Bridge by Evan Connell

    Books About Books

    ama 1940-1960A critical history of American drama

    of AmericaVol 17contains essays by the important people of thetime, including excerpts from books listed above.

    American Literature Multi volume work with excerpts from modernAmerican writers showing changes in their work.

    nding the Beats A survey of the four major Beat writers,Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs and Corso.

    Children's Book Award winnersof the fifties:

    Newbery Award Winners - Began in 1922 (include the mostdistinguished children's book

    published the previous year).

    1950 - The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli

    1951 - Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates

    1952 - Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes

    1953 - Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan Clark

    1954 - ...And Now Miguel by Joseph Krumgold

    1955 - The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong

    1956 - Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham

    1957 - Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorenson

    1958 - Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith1959 - The Witch ofBlackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare,9171,816663,00.html,9171,816663,00.html
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    Caldecot Award Winners- Began in 1938 (include the mostdistinguished American picture bookof the previous year).

    1950: Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi

    1951: The Egg Tree by Katherine Milhous

    1952: Finders Keepers, illustrated by Nicolas, pseud. (NicholasMordvinoff); text: Will, pseud. [WilliamLipkind]

    1953: The Biggest Bear by Lynd Ward

    1954: Madeline's Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans

    1955: Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper, illustrated byMarcia Brown; text: translated from

    Charles Perrault by Marcia Brown

    1956: Frog Went A-Courtin', illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky;text: retold by John Langstaff)

    1957: A Tree Is Nice, illustrated by Marc Simont; text: JaniceUdry

    1958: Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey

    1959: Chanticleer and the Fox, illustrated by Barbara Cooney;text: adapted fromChaucer's Canterbury Tales by Barbara Cooney


    During the fifties, American

    education underwent dramatic

    and, for some, world shattering

    changes. Until 1954, an official

    policy of "separate but equal "

    educationalopportunities for

    blacks had been determined tobe the correct method to insure

    that all children in America

    received an adequate and

    equal education in the public

    schools of the nation. In

    1954,Chief Justice Earl

    Warrenand other members of

    the Supreme Court wrote in Brown v. the Board of Education ofTopeka, Kansas that separate

    facilities for blacks did not make those facilities equalaccording to the Constitution. Integration was

    begun across the nation. In 1956, Autherine J.Lucysuccessfullyenrolled in the University of Alabama

    at Tuscaloosa. In 1957, Elizabeth Eckford was the first blackteenager to enter then all-white LittleRock Central High School,Little Rock, Arkansas. Although integration took place quietly inmost

    towns, the conflict at Central High School in Little Rock wasthe first of many confrontations in

    Arkansas which showed that public opinion on this issue wasdivided.

    Another crisis in education was uncovered by critics likeRudolph Fleschin his bookWhy Johnny

    Can't Read, who claimed that the American educational system wasnot doing its job. Other voices

    in the movement to revamp American schools wereArthur Bestor-Educational Wastelands,Albert
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    Lynd- Quackery in the Public Schools, Robert Hutchins- TheConflict in Education, andAdmiral

    Hyman Rickover- Education and Freedom.


    Developments in Education Use the National Assessment ofEducational Progress, theNation's Report Card to see statistics onprogress in Math, Reading and Science. Education Statistics fromthe Statistical Abstract of the United States, years 1960 to 1995.History of the United States Department of Education


    ducation : The Metropolitan Experience 1876-1980History ofeducation. Other titles by Lawrence A. Cremin may be helpfu

    of America Vol. 17 p.253 - 258 essay on Brown v. Board ofEducation of Topeka as well; p. 371-378 two essays on integ

    ry of American History This multi-volume set has a very goodentry under "Education" in Volume 2 and an entry on "integrati

    etically by title, ex. Brown v. the Boardin Volume 1.

    opeka An African American's View of desegregation andmiseducation.

    ducational Heritage The final long chapter contains a history ofthe American educational system. On page 535, a discussion

    ion of schools in 1950.

    FADS & FASHION - these were a few of our favorite things

    Perhaps one of the things which most characterizes the

    1950's was the strong element ofconservatism and

    anticommunist feeling which ran throughout much of society.

    One of the best indicators of the conservative frame of

    mind was the addition of the phrase "under God" to the

    Pledge of Allegiance. Religion was seen as an indicator

    ofanti-communism. Fiftiesclothingwas conservative. Men

    woregray flannel suits and women wore dresseswith

    pinched in waists and high heels. French

    fashion designers such asDior,Chanel and Givenchy were

    popular and copied in America. Families worked together,

    played together and vacationed together at familythemedentertainment areas like national parks and the

    new Disneyland. Gender roles were strongly held, girlsplayed

    with Barbie dolls and Dale Evans gear, boys withRoy

    Rogers and Davy Crockett paraphernalia. Drive-in

    movies became popular for families and teens.Carswere

    seen as an indicator of prosperity and cool-

    ness.Highways were built to take people quickly from one
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    place to another, by-passing small towns and helping to createcentral marketing areas or shopping

    malls such as Sharpstown Mall, Gulfgate Mall and Meyerland Plazain Houston.

    Fashion successes were Bill Blass and his blue jeans, poodleskirts made of felt and decorated withsequins and poodle appliques,pony tails for girls, and flat topsand crew cuts for guys.Saddleshoesand blue suede loafers were popular. Teenagers weredefined as a separate generation and

    were represented by James Deanwho wore blue jeans inRebelWithout a Causeand created afashion and attitudesensation.Activities we liked were flying saucer watching , andwatching anddancing to Dick Clark'sAmerican Bandstand . Fad hitswith kids were toys like hulahoops andHopalong Cassidy guns andwestern gear, Davy Crockettcoon skin hats and silly putty.


    The Nifty Fifties Links to many Fifties fads and otherinformation. Costumer's Manifesto Links to wide world of fashion .Good ones.

    Twentieth Century Fashion Women's fashionsof the fifties.

    Soulmates: A Century in Shoes Shoes throughout the century.Houston growth A history of the city from the Handbook of TexasOnline. Fashion Era a British view of fifties fashions. Otherdecades of fashion are also linked.


    REF E169.1.P19 Panati's Parade of Fads, Follies and ManiasArranged by decade, includes fads, dance cra

    E 169.1.R7755 Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in AmericaImportant essays analyzing mass culture in Ame

    E169.1.S9733 Culture as History : The Transformation of AmericanSociety in the Twentieth Century E

    political and cultural face of America in this century.

    Costumes / Fashion

    0th Century Fashion History with photographs of fashion

    tory of Costume The Twentieth CenturyPages 93-105 showillustrations of fashions in the 1950s

    nce 1945Chapter 2 focuses on the1950s with line drawings ofstyles.


    When the 1950s are mentioned, the first type of music to come tomost people's

    minds is rock 'n roll. Developed from a blend of Southern bluesandgospel

    music with an added strong back beat, this type of music waspopular with
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    teenagers who were trying to break out of the mainstream,conservative, American middle class

    mold. Popular artists such asBill Haley, Elvis Presley, andJerry Lee Lewis were promoted on radio

    by just as popular disc-jockeys (DJ's) likeAlan Freed and theBig Bopper. The deaths

    ofLubbock singerBuddy Holly , Ritchie Valensand the Big Bopperisstill lamented by fans.

    The influence of these early rockershas been felt in popularmusic worldwide.

    Music in the fifties was more than just rock 'n roll. Croonerslike Nat King Cole,Frank Sinatra, PerryComoand Dinah Shore were allpopular. Many of these singers were the idols of the rockerswho

    developed the new sounds. Many of their songs are still beingplayed on radios, home stereos, CD

    players and ipods all over the world.


    Heavens Gate | top tunes and artists of the fifties, music andlyrics. Banned Music | timeline of events concerning banning rockand roll. Gershwin | timeless music, still popular during the'50s.

    BOOKS Library of Congress browse areas: M

    nicle of American Music 1700-1995Arranged by year. Historicalhighlights, world cultural highlights, American art andliteratu

    Since 1900 Arranged by day. Includes important premiers andmusical events.

    Great American Song Thesaurus Arranged by year. Summary of worldand musical events, list of important songs.

    Tunes 1905-1985 Features important composers. Lists their showsand the published music for each show.


    Perhaps the most far reaching change in communications

    worldwide was the advancement in the area

    oftelevision broadcasting. During the 1950s, televisionbecame

    the dominantmass mediaas more people broughttelevision into

    their homesin greater numbers of hours per week than ever

    before. In the early fifties, the number of hours youngpeoplewatched TV steadily increased, a trendwhich has not

    changed greatly since that time. What was portrayed on

    television became accepted as normal. The ideal family, the

    ideal schools and neighborhood s, the world, were all seen ina

    way which had only partial basis in reality. People began to

    accept what was heard and seen on television because they

    were "eye witnesses" to events as never before. Programssuch

    as You Are There brought historical events into the livingrooms
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    of many Americans. The affect on print news media andentertainment media was felt in lower

    attendance at movies and greater reliance onTV news sources forinformation. And then, in

    1954,black and white broadcasts became color broadcasts. Showscalled "sitcoms " like TheHoneymooners, Lassie, Father KnowsBest,The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, and I Love

    Lucyfeatured popular characters whose lives thousands of viewerswatched and copied. Families

    enjoyed variety shows like Disneyland and The Ed Sullivan ShowonSunday evenings. Daytimeprograms likeGuiding Light, a "soap opera"were popular and helped advertisers sell many products

    to the homemakers of America. News broadcasting changed fromnewsmen simply reading the news

    to shows which includedvideotaped pictures of events which hadoccurred anywhere in the world,

    and then to more and more live broadcasts of events happening atthe time of viewing. This was

    made possible in 1951 with the development of coaxial cable andmicrowave relays coast to coast.

    WhenEdward R. Murrow began offering his weekly radio program(called "Hear It Now") on TVas

    "See It Now," the world of news broadcasting was irrevocablychanged (eyewitness recounts the



    Television News Archive Television news history presented byVanderbilt University. Chronology of TV broadcasting from JeffMiller, teacher at Gulf High School in New Port

    Richey, FL The first 75 years of Television from Tom Genova,many links on development of TV

    including advertising. Includes a timeline.


    REF PN1992.18 .M874 Museum of Broadcast CommunicationsEncyclopedia ofTelevision - an excellent resource to use tounderstand the medium of television.

    E215.4 .Y68 2004You Are There: The American Revolutionprepares.Just one of the You

    Are There TV broadcasts the Kingwood College Library owns


    Works by well known dramatists still held audiences and won newadmirers. Tennessee Williams'A

    Streetcar Named Desire, and Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesmanwere written in the 40's but were

    still very popular in the '50s. Eugene O'NeillfinishedLong Day'sJourney into Nightin

    1957. Williams wrote Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955) and BabyDoll(1956) . Musicals were very well

    received. Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II, and JoshuaLogan won acclaim with South

    Pacific in 1950. One of the most emotionally charged plays of1956 was The Diary of Anne

    Frank. Dance underwent change during this period. MarthaGraham's work influenced dancersworldwide. In 1958, Alvin Aileycreated theAmerican Dance Theatrewhich featured all-black casts

    and dance styles that were culturally based and truly Americanin style. Radio's influence was still

    very great as is seen in the rapid growth ofRock 'n Roll. Themusic of Perry Como, Rosemary

    Clooney and Nat King Coleamong others was listened to by peoplecarrying small transistor radios.

    Music could be heard in any location because it wasnowportable.

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    History of Broadway Broadway 101 by Robert Rusie. Historic Filmsfilms of the fifties. Alien invasion and creature features ScienceFiction in film from Clemson History of Science Fiction FilmScience Fiction film since the early twentieth century. Chronologyof films Some favorite fifties movies Anne Frank's Diary Theexhibit based on Anne's original writings. Launch the

    exhibition to hear as well as see the diary. Sci-Fi in the '50ssometimes called the golden age of Science Fiction movies

    BOOKSLibrary of Congress browse area: PN - theater, PR - Acting,SF - producing plays

    REF PN2189.L85 Twentieth CenturyA theater buff's bible This booklists and describes by year premiers, p

    Great Britain. Theatre

    REF PN1993.5.U6H55 The Transformation of Cinema Volumes 1 and 2are needed to cover this decade. A

    The list below are representative of what was happening in thecinema industry. New ground wasbroken with each new film. Books maybe the best means of learning more on this topic.

    ovies made their debut with Bwana Devil;Cinerama, CinemaScopeand color were other special effects used to lure audiences

    d adopts a by-law banning Communistsfrom membership

    vies too expensive, so they stay at home to watch TV


    People in the Fifties loved sports. More leisure time andgreater general prosperity led to greaterparticipation in athleticactivities for the average person and added large numbers of fansto all typesof sports. Unlike many areas of society in this decade,athletes were a diverse group. Popularity wasnot based on socialstatus, but on the ability of the individual. All American sportssuch as baseballand football gave opportunities for the rise ofstars likeJackie Robinson,Roy Campanella,Henry(Hank) Aaron,JuanMarichal,Jim Brown, andFrank Gifford. Great women athletes playedin theAll-

    American Girls Professional Baseball League.

    As television became more popular and available, other sportsfound growing numbers offans. College footballwas widely followed.Professional golf became very popular with stars likeBenHoganandArnold Palmerhelping to create the idea that to succeed inbusiness, men needed to playgolf. Women like BabeZaharias-Didrikson created theLadies Professional Golf Associationin 1950,so women were joining men on golf courses all over America.People watched the Olympics1952 and 1956, and in part due to theCold War, rivalry between countries became very fierce.Track andfield athletes likeBob Mathias (decathlon) and Bobby Morrow (relay)were favorites.Sportslike tennis, basketball and boxing were alsopopular in the fifties.Althea Gibsonwas the first African-

    American to play in the U. S. Lawn Tennis Nationals at ForestHills, NY. Major names in basketball,M1,M1
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    were Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, Bob Cousy,Oscar Robertsonand Dolph Schayes. Anotherfavorite, boxing, gave opportunities togreat athletes, Sugar Ray Robinson andRocky Marciano.

    BOOKS Library of Congress browse area: GV - Sports. Also searchunder an athlete'sname for a biography on a specific person
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    19451960 in fashion

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The examples and perspective in this article may not

    represent aworldwide view of the subject.

    Please improve this articleand discuss the issue on the talk

    page. (March 2012)
  • 8/2/2019 Fifties Dresses - Alberto


    Elizabeth II and Minister for RepatriationWalter CooperinAustralia, 1954. The Queen's summer suit

    features a fitted short-sleeved jacket with a peplum and a fullskirt. The Minister wears a double-breasted


    Fashion in the years following World War II is characterized bythe resurgence ofhaute coutureafter the austerity

    of thewar years. Square shoulders and short skirts were replacedby the soft femininity ofChristian Dior's "New

    Look" silhouette, with its sweeping longer skirts, fitted waist,and rounded shoulders, which in turn gave way to an

    unfitted, structural look in the later 1950s.

    Innovations in textile technology following the war resulted innew synthetic fabrics and easy-carefabric

    finishesthat fitted the suburban lifestyle of the 1950s with itsemphasis on casual sportswearfor both men and

    women. For the first time, teenagers became a force infashion.



    1 General trends

    o 1.1 The return of fashion

    o 1.2 Casual clothing and teenage'_Affairs_(Australia)'_Affairs_(Australia),_1954.jpg,_1954.jpg'_Affairs_(Australia)
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    2 Womenswear

    o 2.1 The New Look

    o 2.2 Clothes for the space age

    o 2.3 Sportswear

    o 2.4 Hats and hairstyles

    o 2.5 Maternity wear

    o 2.6 Style gallery 19451954

    o 2.7 Style gallery 19541960

    3 Menswear

    o 3.1 Suits

    o 3.2 Sportswear

    o 3.3 Hats and hairstyles

    4 Decline of hats

    o 4.1 Style gallery 19451949

    o 4.2 Style gallery 1950s

    5 Children's wear

    6 See also

    7 Notes

    8 References

    9 External links

    [edit]General trends

    [edit]The return of fashion

    By 1947, the Paris fashion houses had reopened, and once againParis resumed its position as the arbiter of high

    fashion. The "orderly, rhythmic evolution of fashionchange"[1]had been disrupted by the war, and a new direction

    was long overdue. A succession of style trends led by ChristianDiorandCristbal Balenciaga defined the changing

    silhouette of women's clothes through the1950s.Televisionjoinedfashion magazinesandmoviesindisseminating

    clothing styles.[1][2]

    [edit]Casual clothing and teenage style

    One result of the Post-World War II economic expansionwas aflood of synthetic fabrics and easy-care processes.

    "Drip-dry"nylon, orlon anddacron, which could retainheat-setpleatsafter washing, became immensely popular.

    [3]Acrylic,polyester, triacetateand spandexwere all introducedin the 1950s.[4]
Fifties Dresses - Alberto - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is 50s style called? ›

Greasers. Thanks to popular films like Grease and West Side Story, the greaser look is one of the most common associated with 1950s fashion. This style consisted of dark jeans, solid black or white t-shirts, leather jackets worn with leather boots or Chuck Taylor All-Stars.

What were the characteristics of the 50s dress? ›

There are two main silhouettes in 50s fashion – the wasp waist with full skirt and the slim fitting pencil skirt. Both are iconic 50s looks that prevailed until 1956 and can be portrayed as super sexy or fun and flirty – depending on how you wear them.

What were dresses like in the 50s? ›

Known fashion icons back then (like Marilyn Monroe) wore girdles around their hips to nip their bellies and waists. Early 50s style also consisted mainly of tailored tweed dresses, ankle-length dresses, low necklines, and long skirts with petticoats. Back then, Fashion had more rules and structure than now.

How much clothes did the average woman own in 1950? ›

On average, women probably had maybe 5 every day dresses and maybe 3 “church” dresses and one or two pairs of dress shoes. They probably owned a couple of pairs of casual shoes and only a few tops and pants and a couple of purses.

What was the dress code in the 50s? ›

The look of the fifties is characterized by elegance. Women, in particular, were expected not only to look their best in public, but also to at home. Fine fabrics such as velvet, tulle, and silk are used for evening wear. During the day, however, manufacturers are increasingly turning to wool and cotton.

What was the biggest fashion trend of the 1950s? ›

1950's fashion was casual yet formal and elegant. Shoulder lines became more softened, corset waists became smaller, and rounded hips with long skirts became popular. The iconic gray felt poodle skirts emerged with white bobby socks and saddle shoes.

How to tell if a dress is 1950s? ›

The skirt portion of most fifties dresses were full. They fell from the waist with narrow open pleats, evenly spaced or in bunches or small even gathers. For evening wear you might find more of a full circle style heightened glamour. For pencil or wiggle styles look for thicker fabrics and high waistlines.

What were popular dress colors in the 50s? ›

1950s color Colors There were three major color trends in the 50s; pastel, modern and Scandinavian. Pastel colors that were particularly popular were pink, turquoise, mint green, pale yellow and blue. Modern colors were clean and bright and included vibrant yellow, electric blue, orange, red, black and white.

What patterns were popular in the 1950s? ›

Popular prints included familiar patterns like polka dots, plaid, gingham check, and floral. Even these designs, however, changed. Both polka dots and florals tended to be larger and to appear in a wide variety of colors. Abstract designs like multi-color stripes and paisley were popular.

What do I wear to a 1950's themed party? ›

Putting together an outfit for a 1950s style themed party isn't difficult. One or two retro pieces set the vibe: an A-line shirt dress, cardigan, polka dots, kitchen apron, pearls, costume jewelry, gloves, cat-eye glasses, pumps, updos, pin curls . . .

What shoes to wear with a 1950s swing dress? ›

Shoes with a little heel and a few laces up the front. Peep toe shoes. Wedge, Slingback, Oxford, Peep Toe. Flats.

What did they wear under skirts in the 50s? ›

Petticoat Styles

The most common petticoats used for vintage and retro outfits are square dancing and a-line ones worn under swing skirts. A square dancing petticoat is a huge fluff to the side whilst an a-line builds to volume at the bottom.

What was the average size of a woman in 1950? ›

The average woman in the 50s had a 27.5-inch waist and her bra size was 34B; in 2017, women's waists are 34 inches and they wear a 36DD bra. Other differences: Women in 2017 are almost 20 pounds heavier (154 vs. 136 pounds) and wear larger-size clothing (size 14 today vs. size 10 in 1957).

How to dress like the 50s with jeans? ›

Pair your jeans with a fitted button-down or blouse in a bold print or vibrant color. This will add some personality and playfulness to your outfit while staying true to the retro vibe. Complete your ensemble with vintage-inspired accessories like cat-eye sunglasses, statement jewelry, and a colorful headscarf.

What is a 1950s housewife dress called? ›

The 1950s house dress is also sometimes referred to as a shirtwaist dress, as it often, but not always, buttoned down the front, or on the “shirtwaist.” It was met at the waist in a delightful gathering of pin tucking and then extended out in a circle skirt.

What is the 50's art style called? ›

Emerging in the mid 1950s in Britain and late 1950s in America, pop art reached its peak in the 1960s. It began as a revolt against the dominant approaches to art and culture and traditional views on what art should be.

What is 1950s design called? ›

Mid-century modern (MCM) is a movement in interior design, product design, graphic design, architecture and urban development that was popular in the United States and Europe from roughly 1945 to 1970 during the United States's post-World War II period. Mid-century modern architecture.

What is the 50s era called? ›

The 50's was an era called the Golden Age of Capitalism, a period of unprecedented economic growth that benefited both the capitalists and workers, as result of higher wages.

What was the 1950s iconic style? ›

Poodle skirts and ponytails, jeans and slick-backed hair—that's what many people consider iconic 1950s fashions. These looks were popular for teens, but what did everyone else wear? Style in the 1950s offered both men and women a new range of options.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.