Auto Parts Terminology: Spanish-English / English-Spanish – The Article (2024)

Had any conversations with your Mexican mechanic lately, when you were reduced to pointing and gesturing when trying to describe what’s wrong with your car? Has your Mexican mechanic tried to explain just what the problem was, and what parts he replaced, and what still needs fixing?

Auto terminology is it’s own special little world of obscure terms ranging from Bendixes to muffler bearings.

As a car guy, I got tired of charades and watching the Auto Parts sales guys walking into the back and returning with the wrong part, so I started looking for more information and picking the brains of my terrific neighbor: Don Francisco. Don Francisco taught auto mechanics for 30 years at our local Universidad Technologico, and his team won a national car repair championship as a result of his fine tuteledge. We then started with Rolly Brook’s excellent list, “Mexican Spanish English Car Parts Lexicon” but there were a few things missing from Rolly’s list that enquiring minds just had to know. Here’s Yucalandia’s take on things (Rolly’s list + some additions).

Since hauling around a laptop is no fun in our heat, we made a list in a format for readers to carry in their cars: Simply make a Word document with 2 columns, cut and paste these sections, and put the English-Spanish translations side by side with the Spanish-English translations on the same page(s).

The Gasoline Engine – – English-Spanish
Air to Fuel Ratio (A/F) = Relación de Aire/Combustible
belt tensioner pulley = tensor de la correa
combustion chamber = cámara de combustión
camshaft = árbol de levas
camshaft drive belt = faja de distribucion
crankshaft = cigüeñal
engine block = bloque del motor
exhaust manifold = válvula de escape
flywheel = volante
fuel injector = inyector
gasket = junta, empaque, sello
head cover = tapa de la cabeza
head gasket = junta de la cabeza OR Empaque de Cabezote OR Cigueñal de cabezote
hydraulic valve lifter = buso
inlet valve = válvula de admisión
Insufficient Flow = Flujo Insuficiente
intake manifold = colector de admisión
Misfire (Engine) = Falla (de Ignición)
motor = motor
Motor Mount = Base del motor
oil = aceite
— drain plug = tapón del aceite
— pan = cárter
— pan gasket = junta del cárter
O ring = retén
Oxygen Sensor = Sensor de Oxigena
piston = pistón
piston ring = anillo
piston rod = biela
piston skirt = camisas del pistón
pulley = polea
rocker arm = balancín
seal (shaft seal) = sello sinfin
Serpentine Belt = Banda Multiple
spark plug = bujía
Thermostat = thermostato
timing belt = banda de tiempo or faja de tiempo
Too Lean = Demasiado Pobre
Too Rich = Demasiado Rico
vacuum diaphragm = diafragma
valve = válvula
valve cover = tapadera de válvulas, tapa de pistón
valve cover gasket = empaque de tapadera de válvulas
valve spring = resorte de válvula
Voltage (High/Low) = Voltaje Alta / Voltage Bajo

El Motor de Gasolina – Spanish-English
aceite = oil
I/F (A/C) Relación de Aire/Combustible = Air to Fuel Ratio (A/F)
anillo = piston ring
arbol de levas = crank shaft
balancín = rocker arm
banda de tiempo = timing belt, aka faja de tiempo
Banda Multiple = Serpentine Belt
Base del motor = Motor Mount
biela = piston rod
bloque del motor = engine block
bujía = spark plug
buso = hydraulic valve lifter
cámara de combustión = combustion chamber
camisas del pistón = piston skirt
cárter = oil pan
cigüeñal = crankshaft
colector de admisión = intake manifold
Demasiado Pobre = Too Lean
Demasiado Rico = Too Rich
diafragma = vacuum diaphragm
empaque = gasket
empaque de tapadera de válvulas = valve cover gasket
faja de tiempo = timing belt (aka banda de tiempo)
faja de distribucion = camshaft drive belt
Falla Ignición = (Engine) Misfire
inyector = fuel injector
Flujo Insuficiente = Insufficient Flow
junta = gasket
— de la cabeza = head gasket
— del cárter = oil pan gasket
motor = motor
mugre = black sludge in a motor
pistón = piston
polea = pulley
resorte de válvula = valve spring
retén = O ring
sello = gasket
sello sinfin = a basic shaft seal (steel outer support ring w/spring tensioned rubber seal)
Sensor de Oxigena = Oxygen Sensor
tapa de la cabeza = head cover
tapa de pistón = valve cover
tapadera de válvulas = valve cover
tapón del aceite = oil drain plug
tensor de la correa = belt tensioner (pulley)
Termostato = thermostat
válvula = valve
válvula de admisión = inlet valve
válvula de escape = exhaust manifold
volante = flywheel
Voltaje Alta / Voltage Bajo = Voltage (High/Low)

Dashboard and Controls

accelerator = acelerador
air bag = bolsa de aire
brake = freno
brake or hood release lever (incl. its cable) =chicote
climate control = clima
clutch = clutch, embrague
cruise control = velocidad fija
emergency brake = freno de emergencia
floor mat = tapete, alfombra
fuse = fusible
gearshift = cambio de velocidades, palanca de cambios
glove box = guantera, cajuelita
hazard signal switch = palanca luces intermitentes
heater core = nucleo de calentador
hood orbrake release lever (incl. its cable) =chicote
horn = claxon
ignition switch = encendió
mirror = espejo
rearview = espejo retrovisor
side = espejo lateral
vanity — = espejo
outside mirror control = control del espejo
radio = radio
sludge (in a motor) = mugre
steering column = eje
steering wheel = volante, guía
stick shift = palanca de velocidades
turn signal lever = palanca de direccionales
vent = ventila, ventilador
visor = visera
wiper switch = palanca limpia+brisas

Tablero y Controles

acelerado = accelerator
alfombra = floor mat
bolsa de aire = air bag
cajuelita = glove box
cambio de velocidades = gearshift
chicote =brake or hood release lever (incl. its cable)
claxon = horn
clima = climate control
clutch = clutch
control del espejo = outside mirror control
eje = steering column
embrague = clutch
encendió = ignition switch
espejo = mirror, vanity mirror
— lateral = side mirror
— retrovisor = rearview mirror
freno = brake
freno de emergencia = emergency brake
fusible = fuse
guantera = glove box
guía = steering wheel
luces intermitentes = hazard light switch
nucleo de calentador = heater core
palanca = lever
— de cambios = gearshift
— de direccionales = turn signal lever
— de velocidades = stick shift
— limpia+brisas = wiper switch
radio = radio
tapete = floor mat
velocidad fija = cruise control
ventila = vent
ventilador = vent
visera = visor
volante = steering wheel

Instrument Panel
gas gauge = medidor de gasolina
high beam indicator = luz indicadora de larga
odometer = cuenta+kilómetros
odometer, trip = odómetro
speedometer = velocímetro
tachometer = tacómetro
temperature gage = indicador temperatura
turn signal indicator = direccionales
warning lights = luces de advertencia
alternator = luz de advertencia del alternador
door ajar = luz de puerta abierta
fuel = luz de advertencia de gasolina
oil = luz de advertencia del aceite
seat belt = luz del cinturón
temperature = luz de advertencia de temperatura

Tablero de Instrumentos
medidor de gasolina = gas gauge
luz indicadora de larga = high beam indicator
cuenta+kilómetros = odometer
odómetro = trip odometer
velocímetro = speedometer
tacómetro = tachometer
indicador temperatura = temperature gage
direccionales = turn signal indicators
luz de advertencia = warning light
— de advertencia del alternador = alternator
— de puerta abierta = door ajar
— de advertencia de gasolina = fuel
— de advertencia del aceite = oil
— del cinturón = seat belt
— de advertencia de temperatura = temperature

On the Door
accessory pocket = bolsillo lateral
armrest = descansa+brazo
assist grip = jaladora
door = puerta
door handle = manija
door latch = cerradura
door lock = seguro
door lock button = seguro
hinge = bisagra
trim panel = tapas de la puerta
window handle = manivela del vidrio

En la Puerta
bisagra = hinge
bolsillo lateral = accessory pocket
cerradura = door latch
descansa+brazo = armrest
jaladora = assist grip
manija = door handle
manivela del vidrio = window handle
puerta = door
seguro = door lock
seguro = door lock button
tapas de la puerta = trim panel

The Seats
back rest = respaldo
backseat = asiento trasero
center arm rest = descansa
child’s seat = asiento para niño
head rest = reposa+cabezas
seat = asiento
— adjustment knob = rueda para centrar asiento
— belt = cinturón, cinturón de seguridad
— belt buckle = seguro de cinturón
bench — = asiento
bucket — = individual
shoulder belt = cinturón
sliding lever = palanca del deslizador

Los Asientos
asiento = bench seat
asiento = seat
— indiviual = bucket seat
— para niño = child’s seat
— trasero = backseat
cinturón, cinturón de seguridad = seat belt, shoulder belt
descansa = center arm rest
palanca del deslizador = Seat sliding lever
reposa+cabezas = head rest
respaldo = back rest
rueda para centrar asiento = seat adjustment knob
seguro de cinturón = seat belt buckle

Under the Hood
air bag controller = sensor de seguridad
A/C compressor = compresor del aire
air filter = filtro de aire
alternator = alternador
alternator belt = banda del alternador
band = banda
battery = batería, acumulador, pila
battery terminal = terminal de batería
belt = banda
brake booster = servofreno
brakes = frenos
carburetor = carburador
catalytic converter = convertido catalítico
coil = bobina
cooling fan = abanico
crash sensor = sensor de colisión
dipstick = varilla del aceite
distributor = distribuidor
distributor cap = tapa del distribuidor
fan belt = banda, banda del abanico
filter = filtro
gas filter = filtro de gasolina
gas pump = bomba de gasolina
hose = manguera
oil filter = filtro del aceite
power steering pump = bomba de la dirección hidráulica
radiator = radiador
spark plug = bujía
spark plug wire = cable de bujía
water pump = bomba de agua

Debajo de Toldo
abanico = cooling fan
acumulador = battery
alternador = alternator
banda = belt, band
— del abanico = fan belt
— del alternador = alternator belt
batería = battery
bobina = ignition coil
bomba = pump
— de agua = water pump
— de gasolina = gas pump
— de la dirección hidráulica = power steering pump
bujía = spark plug
cable de bujía = spark plug wire
compresor del aire = air conditioner compressor
carburador = carburetor
distribuidor = distributor
filtro = filter
— del aceite = oil filter
— del aire = air filter
— de gasolina = gas filter
frenos = brakes
manguera = hose
pila = battery
radiador = radiator
sensor de colisión = crash sensor
sensor de seguridad = air bag controller
servofreno = brake booster
tapa del distribuidor = distributor cap
terminal de batería = battery terminal
varilla del aceite = dipstick

Exterior of the Car: English-Spanish
antenna = antena
body side molding = moldura lateral
bumper (front) = defensa delantera
bumper (rear) = defensa trasera
center post = poste central
fender = guarda polvos
gas cap = tapa de la gasolina
gas tank door = puerta de la tapa de la gasolina, (commonly just) tapa
grille = rejilla
hood = toldo, cofre
hubcap = copa, tapabocina
license plate = placa

Lights (various):
light = luz; lights = luces
light bulb = foco
— back-up = luz de reversa,
— back-up (alt) = luz de marcha atrás
— brake = luz del freno
— fog = luz antiniebla
— halogen bulb = foco halógeno
— headlight = luz delantera, faro
— high beam = luz alta, faro alto
— license plate = luz para placa
— low beam = luz baja, faro bajo
— parking = luz para estacionarse
— socket = zócalo
— taillight = luz trasera
— turn signal = luz direccional
lug nut = tuercas del ring
mud flap = cuvre+polvos
quarter window = aleta
rims = rines
roof = techo
sunroof = quemacoco
tailgate (of a pickup) = tapa, puerta trasera de camioneta
tail light assembly = calavera or mica
tire = llanta, pneumatico
trunk of a car = maletero, cajuela
trunk lid = cajuela
wheel = rin
window = ventanilla
windshield = (el) parabrisas
windshield wiper = limpiador, limpia parabrisas
— wiper = hule de parabrisas, goma de parabrisas
— wiper arm = brazo

Exterior de la Coche: Spanish-English
aleta = quarter window
antena = antenna
calavera (or mica) = tail light assembly
cajuela = trunk or trunk lid (of a car)
cofre = hood
copa = hubcap
cubre+polvos = mud flap
defensa delantera = bumper (front)
defensa trasera = bumper (rear)
goma de parabrisas = windshield wiper blade
guarda+polvos = fender
hule de parabrisas = windshield wiper blade
limpia parabrisas = windshield wiper
limpiador = windshield wiper
llanta = tire = pneumatico

Luces (varios):

faro = headlight
—– faro alto = high beam
—– faro bajo = low beam
luz = light y luces = lights
— alta = high beam
— antiniebla = fog light
— baja = low beam
— de marcha atrás = back-up light
— de reversa = back-up light
— del freno = brake light
— delantera = headlight
— direccional = turn signal
— para estacionarse = parking light
— para placa = license plate light
— trasera = taillight
maletero = trunk of a car = cajuela
mica (or calavera) = tail light assembly
moldura lateral = body side molding
parabrisas = windshield
placa = license plate
poste central = center post
pneumatico = tire = llanta,
puerta de la tapa de la gasolina = gas tank door
puerta trasera de camioneta = tailgate (of a pickup)
quemacoco = sunroof
rejilla = grille
rin = wheel / rim
tapa de la gasolina = gas cap
tapa = gas tank door
— tailgate of a pickup
tapabocina = hubcap
tapón de gasolina = gascap
techo = roof
toldo = hood
tuercas del ring = lug nut
ventanilla = window
zócalo = light bulb socket

In the Trunk:
flare = señal luminosa preventiva
jack = gato
jumper cables = cables de pasar corriente
lug wrench = cruzeta (cross wrench)
spare tire = refacción

En la Cajuela:
cables de pasar corriente = jumper cables
cruzeta = lug wrench
gato = jack
refacción = spare tire
señal luminosa preventiva = flare

Under the Car
A-frame arm (front suspension) = orquillas or orquidea
automatic transmission = transmisión automática
axle = eje
ball joint = rotula
bearing = balero o idioma: ‘caja de bolas’
brakes = frenos
catalytic converter = convertido catalítico
control arm (suspension) = horcilla de suspencion
clutch = embrague
coil spring = muelle helicoidal
crash sensor = sensor de colisión
CV joint = balero espiga
CV joint boot =botas de las juntas de velocidad constante (aka botas VC)
differential = diferencial
disc brake = freno de disco
drive shaft = flecha
exhaust pipe = tubo de escape
front suspension arm = orquillas or orquidea
gas (gasoline) = gasolina
— line = tubo de gasolina
— tank = tanque de gasolina
gearbox = caja de velocidades
hydraulic brake line = circuito de frenado
leaf spring = muelle
muffler = silenciador, mofle
radiator = radiador
rack and pinion = cremallera
shock absorber = amortiguador
spring = muelle or resorte
tie rod (with or without the ‘end’) =bieleta de direccion (with or w/o ends)
tie rod end (part with little ball joint) =terminale de direccion
suspension arm = brazo de suspensión

Debajo de le coche
amortiguador = shock absorber
balero = bearing
balero espiga = CV joint
bieleta de direccion = tie rod end
botas de las juntas de velocidad constante (botas VC) = CV joint boots
brazo de suspensión = suspension arm
caja de bolas (idioma slang) = balero = bearing
caja de velocidades = gearbox
circuito de frenado = hydraulic brake line
convertido catalítico = catalytic converter
cremallera = rack and pinion
diferencial = differential
eje = axle
embrague = clutch
flecha = drive shaft
freno de disco = disc brake
frenos = brakes
gasolina = gas, gasoline
horcilla de suspencion = control arm (suspension)
mofle = muffler
muelle = spring, leaf spring
muelle helicoidal = coil spring
orquillas o orquidia = front suspension A-frame arm
radiador = radiator
resorte = spring
rótula = ball joint
sensor de colisión = crash sensor
silenciador = muffler
tanque de gasolina = gas tank
terminale de direccion = tie rod end (part with the little ball joint)
transmisión automática = automatic transmission
tubo de escape = exhaust pipe
tubo de gasolina = gas line

Other Things:
2-door sedan = sedán dos puertas
4-door sedan = sedán quatro puertas
air = aire
air pressure = presión de aire
brake fluid = fluido de frenos
convertible = descapotable
to drive = manejar
Gasket paper = garlo o velamoy
hatchback = compuerta trasera
light bulb = foco
— halogen = foco halógeno
— socket = zócalo
limousine = limusina
millage = millaje
minivan = monovolumen
oil level = nivel de aceite
to patch = remendar
patches (tire) = parches
pickup truck = camioneta, trucka
power steering = dirección hidráulica
sports car = deportivo
sports utility vehicle (SUV) = vehiculo todo terreno
to start (the engine) = arrancar
station wagon = coche familiar

Otras Cosas:
aire = air
arrancar = to start (the engine)
camioneta = pickup truck
compuerta trasera = hatchback
coche familiar = station wagon
deportivo = sports car
descapotable = convertible
dirección hidráulica = power steering
fluido de frenos = brake fluid
foco = light bulb
— halógeno = halogen light bulb
Garlo o velamoy = gasket paper / gasket stock
limusina = limousine
manejar = to drive
millaje = millage
monovolumen = minivan
nivel de aceite = oil level
parches = patches
presión de aire = air pressure
remendar = to patch
sedán dos puertas = 2-door sedan
sedán quatro puertas = 4-door sedan
trucka = pickup truck
vehiculo todo terreno = sports utility vehicle (SUV)
zócalo = light bulb socket

Tools etc:
Cutter = cortadora de metal
File = Lima de metal
Grinder = molinillo
Hammer = martillo
Pliers = pinzas
Ratchet = trinquete
Sandpaper = Papel de liga
Screw = tornillo
Screwdriver = desarmador o destornillador
Socket set = Juego de llaves de vaso
Tire = Llanta or neumático
Tire Tread = rodadura del neumático or
Tire Tread = banda de rodedura or
Tire Tread = cumbre de llanta
Tread Separation = Separación de cumbre de llana
Wheel = Rin
Wrench = Llave de tuercas
Wrench Set = juego de llaves
Wire (tie -solid core) = alambre
Wire (electrical – stranded) = cable

Herramientas etc:
Alambre = tie wire or support wire – solid wire
Banda de rodedura = Tire Tread
Cumbre de llanta = Tire Tread
Cable = Electrical wire or stranded wire
Desarmador = Screwdriver
Lima de Metal = metal file
Juego de llaves (de tuerco) = set of wrenches
Juego de llaves de vaso = socket set
Llave = wrench
LLanta = tire
Martillo = hammer
Molinillo = grinder
Papel de liga = sandpaper
Pinzas = Pliers
Rin = Wheel or rim
Trinquete = ratchet

Auto Verbs:
hit = golpear
rotate / twist = hacer girar
scrape (clean) = raspar
scratch (gouge) = rayar
tighten (a bolt) = apretar
tighten (a belt) = apretarse

Verbos de Coches:
Apretar (un tornillo) = tighten a bolt
Apretarse (un cinturon) = tighten a belt
Golpear = hit
hacer girar = rotate / twist
raspar = scrape clean
rayar = scratch / gouge

Auto Parts Terminology: Spanish-English / English-Spanish – The Article (2)

This is just our start at a comprehensive glossary of Mexican auto and car terms and translations, so, we look forward to seeing reader’s comments to add terms that we’ve missed. Since I originally wrote this compact version, ASE has created their own version. If you want a 58 page beast of an online translator (too big to carry in a car door panel), check out:—test-center-version.pdf

If you liked this article, check out its companion piece on Yucatan Living: “Buying A Used Car in Merida”

* * * *
Feel free to copy while giving proper attribution: YucaLandia/Surviving Yucatan.
<em>© Steven M. Fry</em>

<em>Read on, MacDuff.</em>

Auto Parts Terminology:  Spanish-English / English-Spanish – The Article (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.